Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

Membunuh pesan bukan pembawa pesan

Sering kita temui orang mengatakan si A begini, si A begitu jadi tak usah dengarkan apa yang dikatakannya. Pokoknya orangnya tidak dapat dipercaya. Ini dinamakan dengan 'membunuh pembawa pesan' atau kill the messenger. Pesan yang disampaikan diabaikan begitu saja.

Sikap demikian ternyata sangat merugikan dalam jangka panjang. Memang benar jika saran atau analisa yang  dia sampaikan beberapa kali pernah salah. Tapi ada kemungkinan bahwa pesan yang dia sampaikan tidak akan selalu salah. Pasti suatu saat akan ada pesannya yang benar. Inilah yang akan kita lewatkan bila bersikap 'kill the messenger'.

Mengabaikan pesan hanya karena tidak suka pada orang yang mengajarkannya adalah rugi. Tidak memandang siapa yang mengajarkan ilmu tapi lihatlah apa yang diajarkannya. Dengan sikap demikian itu kita memiliki peluang besar untuk tidak melewatkan ilmu yang benar benar berguna.

Jika ternyata ilmu tersebut bisa membantu memperoleh hasil yang optimal dari bisnis saham, mengapa tidak digunakan hanya karena tidak suka pada orang yang menyampaikannya. Orang yang hebat dalam dunia saham yaitu Warren Buffett saja berguru pada Benjamin Graham yang murni scientist bukan seorang investor. Bukan siapa-siapa dalam bisnis saham. Mengapa kita tidak?

Kamis, 08 September 2016

Kabar Holding BUMN

  • Holdingisasi BUMN saat ini sedang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Ternyata meski dilakukan holdingisasi kendali pemerintah terhadap anak usaha dari holding tersebut nantinya tidak akan hilang. Ini karena, masih ada saham seri A atau saham dwiwarna milik pemerintah di anak usaha tersebut. 
  • Misalnya, PT Pertamina (Persero) yang akan menjadi induk dari holding BUMN migas dengan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS). Kendali pemerintah terhadap PGN tidak akan berubah, meskipun PGN akan berada di bawah Pertamina.
  • Saham seri A yang dimiliki pemerintah ini mempunyai keistimewaan yakni BUMN yang akan menjadi induk usaha tidak diperkenankan melakukan penunjukkan manajemen, penggantian anggaran dasar, ataupun pendirian anak usaha baru. Dengan demikian kesemua tugas tersebut dilakukan oleh negara. Pemerintahlah yang membuat kontrak dan memberi tugas ke anak usaha. Untuk saat ini aturan holding masih dalam pembahasan. 
  • Selanjutnya kita tunggu hasilnya. Semoga segera selesai.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Catfish Disease

Several types of diseases that often attack catfish can be caused by bacteria, parasites or even worms. Diseases - diseases that are often encountered by catfish farmers are fungus, white spots, ulcers, intestinal worms and trichodina.

To avoid big losses, catfish farmers should be able to control the disease - the disease mentioned above by first knowing the cause of the disease and symptoms that appear before eventually know how to mitigate them.

Types that can be attacked is Saprolegnia and achyla, where they are often found in waters rich in organic material. This disease attacks the catfish already teruka or who are in weak condition.
Symptoms exhibited by catfish attacked by this disease is that the wounds are often found around the white fibers. Some precautions that can be done are: reduced stocking densities and pond water sprinkled with salt amount of 5 g / m 2.
Several treatment measures that can be done is:
Submerge the sick catfish in the water dose PK 1 g / 100 liters of water. Immersion process carried out for 30 minutes. Mushrooms can be eliminated by using drugs Furazolin.

White spot
The cause of the emergence of this disease is ichthyophthirius multifiliis where they would attack catfish are kept in a pool of stagnant water.
Symptoms exhibited by catfish attacked by this disease is that on the surface of the skin and gills of the catfish are also found many spots - white spots which, if left too long, the skin and gills will be broken before the catfish will eventually die in a matter of hours.
Several treatment measures that can be done is:
Improving sanitation systems, pool water sprinkled with salt from 30 grams / liter of water, as much as 2-3 times in a row - row, the use of green malachyte doses of 0.1 grams / m 2 as much as 2 days to recover catfish.

Is the disease most feared by farmers because the catfish can cause mass death.
The cause of the emergence of this disease is Aeromonas and Pseudomonas in which they meenyerang catfish organs, like liver, spleen and meat.
Symptoms exhibited by catfish attacked by this disease is the appearance of ulcers throughout the skin surface lelel fish. This ulcer will ooze pus jikan this disease blow up.
Several treatment measures that can be done is:
Catfish quarantine the sick and giving antibiotics in catfish are still healthy to improve their endurance. Antibiotics may be given by way mixed into the feed catfish at a dose of antibiotic is 1 mg / kg of feed. Besides the pool water sprinkled with some 10 kilograms of salt mixed with papaya leaves the collision.

Types that can be attacked is dactylogyrus and gyrodactylus, where they often encountered dikolam tebarnya too high a density as well as recently experienced drastic environmental changes and sudden. They often attack the gills of the catfish (will cause difficulty in breathing) and skin (a slimy).
Symptoms exhibited by catfish attacked by this disease are loss of appetite as well as catfish often swim to the surface.
Several treatment measures that can be done is:
Replacing large amounts of water, sprinkled with salt water pool kitchen some 40 grams / m 2, soaking catfish are sick into the PK concentration of 0.01% water for 30 minutes.

The disease is caused by protozoa, where they attack the gills of the catfish. Fish are affected by this disease going around - turn and appeared above the water surface.
Treatment measures that can be done is to soak the catfish are sick into the water formalin concentration 15-20 ppm.

Glimpse of the Catfish

Catfish are cultured freshwater fish is very popular. Aquaculture production increased
sharply each year, for five years, partly because the extent of the market for catfish. Lele
preferred by consumers because of fleshy soft, a little bone, not prickly, and inexpensive.
In terms of farming, catfish relative does not require much maintenance and have a short
waiting period of harvest.